March 2021

New Zealand was in first place, displacing Argentina with a market share of 19.2%.

Kiwi imports totaled US$ 21.7 million (+8.0% compared to the previous year).

In second place, Argentina concentrated 17.0% in the market, reaching a total billing of US$ 19.2 million, which represents an increase of 65.9% compared to the previous year.

The United States was positioned in third place with a market share of 16.3

The import of dairy products remains led by cheeses, concentrating 70.4% of the total value between January -March 2021, with a turnover that reaches US$ 79.7 million, which represents an increase of 65.0 % compared to last year.

In physical terms, 20,506 tons of cheeses were imported, an increase of 68.6% compared to the same period of the previous year. The average value per ton was US$ 3,891.

Whey and whey with a share of 5.7% of the total.

Skimmed milk powder achieved a market share of 4.2%.

The import of whole milk powder concentrated a participation of 4.0%. Billing from this category totaled US$ 4.4 million, which represents an increase of 298.3%.